Why we love getting scared by Halloween Haunt

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Are you someone who celebrates Halloween by testing your own psychological fortitude in terrifying situations?
So will you be among the revelers on city streets these evenings, or are you the kind of person who craves something a little more intriguing, a blood-curdling, pulse- pounding event that lasts more than one night?
If you think you’re too old or too cool to roam door-to-door begging strangers for free candy, and if you’re looking for something a little more exciting, you should go have a kick to the confidence
at Halloween Haunt at Canada’s Wonderland.

Think Michael Jackson’s Thriller meets Toronto’s prominent theme park.

This event is certainly not for the faint of heart. It’s a culmination of every horror film you’ve ever seen and every deep, dark fear you’ve ever had. Originally dubbed “Fear Fest” when it debuted in 2005, Halloween Haunt is now in its ninth season, and has become a test of endurance enjoyed by hedonists everywhere.

The park itself is transformed into a land of the living dead, home to creatures, mazes, thrill rides, and shows that are sure to get your heart racing.
Attractions include: Clowns at Midnight: a freaky maze where doomed circus clowns hunt and torment you to avenge their suffering.
Sci-Fi House: you, as a house guest of the fictitious Wilson family, are tormented by “deranged aliens and venomous creatures.”
Terror of London: set in 1888 London, in which everyone around you could be the next victim of Jack the Ripper… or the Ripper, himself.
Halloween Haunt has much to offer in the way of fear. Sounds like fun? According to Dineen Beaven, manager, public relations and special events at Canada’s Wonderland, these Halloween Haunt attractions are increasingly relished by those who visit the event annually.
Beaven says the mazes, which are specially built for the event, are quite popular. There are 10 in all, each based on a different theme such as the aforementioned Clowns at Midnight and others like Streets of the Undead or Corn- stalkers, which play to different fears and offer different levels of excitement.
Clearly Halloween Haunt is a crowd-pleasing event, having run for so many years. What’s the secret to its success?
Beaven says, “People love to be scared and put into a creepy reality that pushes them to a different limit, because ultimately, they know it’s not real, but at the same time, it’s exciting.” She says after the experience, many people feel elated and excited. There is an adrenaline rush that comes with being terrified. Whether that’s good or bad is ultimately dependent on who you ask, but that rush of excitement is surely the major reason people indulge in events like these.
After doing the same drill day in and day out, whether attending school or going to work, who wouldn’t want a little excitement, especially if the season warrants it?
Overcoming such a frightening experience makes one feel relieved, ecstatic, and empowered. Glenn Sparks, an expert in the field of self-imposed fear, said
in an article on thrill-seeking personalities on WebMD,

“Some people have a need to expose themselves to sensations that are different from the routine […] They get gratification being able to say that they conquered and mastered something that was threatening.”

Halloween Haunt adds terror to its usual towering coasters, simulating the feeling that attendees survived something, while always giving them a sense of security.
“People enjoy feeling scared and seek the feeling out because, deep down, they know they are in no real danger,” said David Rudd, dean of the College of Social and Behavioural Science at the University of Utah, to Livescience.com.
While this is all well and good for those thrill-seekers among us, there are still those who would avoid such an experience like the plague.
Clearly for some, however, this type of horror is not only great fun but is greatly anticipated, and they would be more than willing to head out to the park for the thrill.
Beaven, who has been involved with the event since 2006, says Halloween Haunt has seen an increase in attendance every year since its inception.

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By Excalibur Publications



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