The art of self-promotion

Sarah Ciantar
Arts Editor

Illustration works covered the walls in the Special Project Gallery in the Center for Fine Arts, capturing attention with vibrant colors and bold lines. The Seneca Illustration Diploma grad show visited the gallery with collected works from the graduating class of 2012 in the illustration program.

The show was called “the first course of its kind in Canada.” The unique four-semester, two-year Independent Illustration program combines the practice of illustration with industry insight. The program attracts students with a strong interest in visual arts and storytelling and freelance artists, and its success cleaves to its approach of not only teaching illustration, but also preparing students for the working world.

In addition to learning about traditional art forms such as mixed media, printmaking, and digital media, students create and register their own small business, develop a working website, and pick up accounting, marketing, and revenue generating skills to succeed as entrepreneurial artists.

Showcasing works from every student, the show was diverse in content, but at the same time unified by the illustration styles with bold markings and colourful subjects. Works in the show included comic art, graphic novels, children’s books, advertising, concept art, and caricature. Artists promoted the business aspect by offering business cards and pamphlets of their art.

The exhibition encouraged students not only to fully develop their portfolios, but also to develop the skills to market them.

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By Excalibur Publications



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