[Streeters] What is your opinion on the supporting staff strike at Seneca@York?

Compiled by Lingsha Hu

Kaushal Budl
Second year, chemistry laboratory technology

“The strike is affecting us. We’re not getting lockers, and the lineup is crazy. Some of the students have to wait two or three hours in line. However, I think their strike is justified since it’s mostly about their wages.”

Sarah Macisaac
First year, independent digital photography

“It kinda sucks because when I tried getting something done at the registrar, the people weren’t there. When stuff goes wrong technically, we can’t get anyone to help us. It’s better than the [professors] striking, but certain services are definitely delayed. At least I’m glad that it’s not affecting my normal schedule.”

Titus Mcnaloy
First year, art fundamentals

“As a student right now, I absolutely sympathize with them. It can only get worse if people aren’t fighting for these benefits. When I’m out in the workplace, I want it to be in a stable economy with a good standard of living. What’s the point of saving a few dollars on a couple things if our standard of living as a country goes down?”

Jaime Ahn
First year, journalism

“I’m not really affected at all.”

Kaini Liang
Second year, chemistry laboratory technology

“I do find it difficult in courses, especially labs, due to a lack of assistants and technicians. I think their strike has some impact on courses, but I do want to emphasize [that] striking is their right.”

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By Excalibur Publications



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