
Letters to the Editor – February 29

Controversial comics
Re: Robbie and Bobby
Comics» Feb. 8, 2012

The editorial staff should have a little more concern about comics they publish in Excalibur. I’m referring to a comic published on the back page on February 8. When I read the comic, I contacted the author; he said it was a tranquilizer gun. It looks like a regular rifle with a scope. I told him about what happened at Dawson College in Montréal on September 13, 2006. And following the comic, look what happened on our own campus during reading week.

It was a comic in very bad taste to publish. Is there not any student in the community that can write some funny comics?

–Lewis Chaitov

A university that stands united
Re: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will come to hurt me
Editorial» Feb. 15, 2012

After reading last week’s editorial on the hateful graffiti found on the SASSL door, I felt compelled to respond as the university shares your concerns. Like you, York was dismayed to learn of this deplorable act.

As VP students, I would like to assure you that York strongly condemns these cowardly actions. York is a community of communities; and an attack on any group is an attack on all of us. And like the editorial conveyed, it is important that we stand united against all those who would promote fear and distrust among us. But more importantly, with our population of 65,000, we must continue to work together to ensure that this does not happen again.

York University is committed to providing a productive, safe, and peaceful learning environment for everyone. These principles are the basis of university policies and regulations, and all individuals have a responsibility to uphold them.

–Robert Tiffin

Vice-President Students

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By Excalibur Publications



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