Letters to the Editor

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“Most troubling”
opinions» jan.12, 2011
Grossly offensive Paul Izdebski
I find it grossly offensive and seriously misleading that my letter carried with it a “familiar stench.”
Adir Dishy is the president of an organization at York that no doubt has a budget larger than most clubs at York; again I bring to the stage the example of being able to afford a large ad in the Excalibur in defence, and in attack of another who protested against Hasbara at York.
Dishy suggests that I am no doubt anti-Semitic as a Polish person, and I find these accusations racist. According to Dishy, only Polish people use terms like “rich Jews” and speak of their de facto control of the media.
He did not take the time to address the questions I raised in my letter and merely played the only card he is familiar with: accusations of a “familiar stench” and anti-Semitism.
I stand by my observations that Hasbara is over-represented, and this is directly related to their funding by not only the university but – as suggested by the late professor David Noble – by the State of Israel also.
Prof. Noble would roll over in his grave after reading your response, Mr. Dishy.

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