I have made it a point to never use Excalibur as my own personal soap box, but I’m going to break my own rule for a moment.
Running this paper has been the most thankless job I’ve ever worked, and that sentiment extends to everyone on my staff. We break ourselves on a weekly basis for a product that gets lazily flipped through by students during their lunch breaks, or (more often than not) ignored completely for a free copy of The Toronto Star.
When we’re not busy holding the administration accountable for the decisions they make (decisions that affect every person reading this paper), we’re dealing with accusations of bias, racism, sexism—you name it. I have personally been threatened with lawsuits and physical violence.
I keep on doing what I do because of a simple belief: Excalibur does good work, and our work matters. In my first editorial at the start of our publication year (May 2011), I said that my goal this year was to tell your story. You, the York community. Global and CTV don’t set foot this far north unless there’s a tragedy to report on. We aim to put a product that reflects what all of you care about on a weekly basis, and that has always been enough for me.
However, I would never say no to a golden trophy or two.
This past weekend, three Excalibur editors went to represent us at the Associate Collegiate Press annual conference in Seattle, Washington. We were one of the few Canadian schools in attendance, and we were facing some steep competition from dedicated American journalism schools.
I am extremely proud to announce that Excalibur won Best in Show in two categories: Four-year Weekly Newspaper, and Publication Website for a Large School. Every inch of this accomplishment was a group effort, and I personally could not have asked for a better group.
With an exciting month ahead of us (please, flip over to this year’s excellent Women’s Supplement) before we wrap up our production year, I wanted to use this space to congratulate my team and thank you, our readers.
You have held us to a high standard, and sometimes we don’t meet it. Free time is a precious commodity on campus, and we’re grateful every time you choose us over another round of Tiny Wings, or The Toronto (goddamn) Star. And we would have a rather empty (if not well-designed) newspaper if were not for our volunteers. If you have written for us two dozen times, thank you. If you have written for us once, thank you.
Also, you are cordially invited to come up to our office (420 Student Centre) and look at our shiny, shiny trophies.
Mike Sholars