YFS adapts to digital student life

The 2020-2021 YFS Executive Team. (Courtesy of YFS via National Observer)

From a virtual frosh to many social campus activities being transferred to the digital sphere,and at the heart of campus life going digital lies the student union. The York Federation of Students (YFS) have been working on moving all of its programming and services online to better represent its membership.

YFS has been working to make sure this transition is smooth and engaging for students.

Director of Student Community & Leadership Development, Ross McMillan, says: “It’s been impressive how student unions and councils have been adapting their services and programs to continue to serve and advocate for their members as campuses went digital.”

YFS President Kien Saningong Azinwi expresses her stance on YFS executives working really hard to “prioritize the needs of the student body and to navigate this uncertain and difficult period we are all facing.” 

York students serve as the prime inspiration for its union’s leadership. Azinwi states: “Students have always and still continue to raise their concerns to us, whether it be the continuous rise in tuition fees, the use of Proctortrack, or the lack of access to food during the pandemic, there are a multitude of issues that are impacting undergraduate students at any given moment and especially during a pandemic.”

YFS is still providing services and events to students to help alleviate stress and still provide a student experience.

    Our plan is to keep doing what we were elected to do, to represent our students to the best of our abilities, pandemic or no pandemic.

According to Azinwi, YFS is currently addressing many student concerns through various initiatives such as lobbying the university, the creation of new campaigns, and a Food Hamper Pick-Up program.

Zoe Marin, a third-year theatre student says she believes YFS is doing everything they can to support students.

“There is no real standard or precedent on what to expect of online schooling, which is why I feel so many services haven’t been made accessible,” Marin says. “However, there are issues people still struggle with without having in-person courses as well as issues that are enhanced by online learning.”

Marin further adds: “I think it is amazing that student unions such as YFS are doing the best they can to provide services such as food and financial support as well as ways to relieve stress.”

When asked about their future directions as a student union, Azinwi says: “Our plan is to keep doing what we were elected to do, to represent our students to the best of our abilities, pandemic or no pandemic. Folks can stay tuned for the various events, campaigns and services that we have planned for the year.”

One of the many things YFS is gearing towards this year is their new grants program. Plans are already underway for the upcoming program.

YFS has been utilizing their various social media platforms to communicate with their student body, and encourage York students to follow them on their social media accounts to stay up to date with their events. 

“We have a lot of programming lined up, as well as various new services and campaigns that we’ll be rolling out,” Azinwi says. “Although this year is unprecedented, we are dedicated to ensuring that our students are having a holistic student experience.”

About the Author

By Wasifa Noshin


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