Best places to get drunk without going downtown

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York is famous for being built at the edge of the world, miles from civilization. In all likelihood, the success of Schulich and Osgoode students stem from their forced sobriety. It seems like any time Yorkies want a taste of nightlife, they’re in for an hour-and-a-half- long voyage downtown.
But while bars here can be harder to find and are less beloved than Sneaky Dee’s or Lee’s Palace, there are still a few great places to spend a night around York. Here are the best.

Fox and Fiddle –Near Finch and Keele
The great thing about Fox and Fiddle is that it’s a chain, so you’re getting the same package at the Finch and Keele location as you would be on Bloor, or elsewhere in the city. The extra plus? If your social disadvantage is that you live in the Village, you’re actually closer to this pub than most of your friends are to their downtown ones. It’s about a 10-minute walk.
The Absinthe Pub-Winters College
You knew it would be on the list, but with good reason. Several of the best nights I’ve had as a York student took place without even leaving campus. The Ab can be a bit pricey and cramped. You know, because it’s a bar. But it’s also home to the finest mozzarella sticks this side of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Furthermore, the Ab’s pub nights are a great way to see friends who you didn’t know could sing getting up in front of everyone and belting out earnest Beyonce covers.
Elias Tavern & Restaurant-Keele and Sheppard
An oft-overlooked choice for York students, this one is celebrated for its well-priced food – something you will never, ever find downtown.
The place is generally quieter than the other options on this list, with one glowing exception: Karaoke on Fridays. That said, it’s is a bit further away from campus.
Hoops – Near Keele and Pond
Hoops is a sports bar (I believe the name is referencing hockey or something). But you don’t have to like sports to drink and have friends, no matter what high school led you to believe! Hoops has good food that you won’t mind spending a bit too much on. That said, it is quite small, and its musical library stops around 2001.

Orange Snail Pub-Stong College
The Orange Snail at Stong College is one of those know-it-or-no- idea type places. As an arts student, my one and only option on-campus had always been the Ab. In some ways, however, the Orange Snail actually beats the Ab. It has more food, it has soap operas playing all the time (I consider this to be a plus), and it’s independently owned. So if you care about fighting the “man” while having fun, you still have a choice on-campus.
I’m not sure about you readers, but I selected my favourite down- town pubs a long time ago. I now rotate the same three or four bars on my nights out.
Five picks in the York area isn’t bad — even if you only find a couple that work, you may never have to take the 196 to Hell again.

Dustin Dyer
Features Editor

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By Excalibur Publications



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