Drumming up a ruckus

Sarah Thawer has found a significant online following through her YouTube Channel, SarahTDrumGuru.

Sarah Thawer has found a significant online following through her YouTube Channel, SarahTDrumGuru.
Sarah Thawer has found a significant online following through her YouTube Channel, SarahTDrumGuru.


Oftentimes, it’s difficult to discern the drummer out of a band. Usually, they’re at the back content to simply drum, without much presence or personality.
The Neil Pearts and Joh Bonhams of this world seem to have passed, and finding a presence or a voice as a drummer is more difficult. Twice as difficult if you’re a woman.
Sarah Thawer is a passionate musician and a recent recipient of the $40,000 Oscar Peterson scholarship for jazz music at York.

A master of 16 instruments and several different styles of drums from all around the world, Thawer has found online success with a YouTube channel, the appropriately titled SarahTDrumGuru.

She pushes her online presence with moxie and chutzpah, having developed a reputation amongst her peers as one of the best drummers not only in her year, but the entire program.
Thawer says she feels blessed to receive the scholarship. Taking much inspiration from her Indian heritage, Sarah takes a very spiritual approach to her music.
“I feel that it is also a sign that I am on the right path, and it’s humbling that there are people who believe in me […] Being the recipient of the Oscar Peterson scholarship has changed my life financially and personally,” says Thawer.

“The scholarship also gives me motivation to keep practicing,” she chuckles.

The eminent artist plans to allow her passion to guide her to her dream: to become a performer and to make a difference.
“Usually drummers are at the back of the stage, while the singer is in front. My goal is to change that by performing the drums and not just playing them,” says Thawer. “I aspire to record albums, perform, and collaborate with various artists.”
Thawer also wants to perform around the world and become active in different charities, as well as teach music to people of all ages.
“Music is a form of expression and a universal language which creates unity and breaks cultural barriers,” says Thawer. “This is one of the reasons why I love playing drum kit and world percussion. For instance, I have collaborated with artists who can’t speak English, however we both communicated through music.”


Musicians, whether in performance or practice, are able set a mood and communicate to other musicians and audiences to establish a united feeling. Sarah’s nickname, “the drum guru,” is quite fitting when seen through this lens.
In a hard industry with a university overcrowded with people vying for jobs in various markets, it can be comforting to see success at any level.
You can check out Sarah’s videos on YouTube here.

Dakota Gregory

About the Author

By Excalibur Publications



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